Whether you are a beginner or an experienced yoga practitioner, or just looking to explore health and wellness, you will find something special at our festival. Some of the classes, including ones outdoors at Madogahama Park, are free of charge.

Sama-Ashtanga Yoga
Sama-Ashtanga YogaThree days in-depth study and practice with Chuck Miller. Each class is 2 hours. Tickets are available for individual classes, but with this unique opportunity to learn from a senior teacher, we recommend attending all three sessions.
Increase your concentration, reduce stress and improve your health through better breathing with morning pranayama. Michael Glenn teaches pranayama classes for all levels.


Thai Massage & Traditional Thai Medicine
Thai Massage & Traditional Thai Medicine
Thai Massage is part of one of the five roots that make Traditional Thai Medicine. In this class we will focus on techniques to restore and maintain good health for the lower back, neck and shoulders

Relax & Restore
Relax & Restore
Dominica Serigano's restorative classes are a great way to wrap up your day and learn how to improve your physical and mental health through relaxation.
The Five Elements
A framework for unity and diversity, the 5 Element System is a way of understanding individuality and the interconnectedness of life. The knowledge can be applied to every aspect of your life, from nutrition and exercise to relationships and so much more. Class involves some theory, movement, exercises and bodywork

The Five Elements
Tokyo Handstand SchoolFew things in life feel more empowering than balancing on your hands. What's more, people of all ages with no experience in gymnastics can easily learn the basics of the handstand. Michael Glenn teaches this fun class at Madogahama Park.

Tokyo Handstand School

Music Flow
Music Flow
Practice the simple and basic postures with regulated breathing.Basic Hatha flow taught by Maiko Kurata with music provided by DJ Satoshi Miya. Suitable for all levels.
YOGA PARTY featuring Maiko's "Kundalini Awakening yoga", featuring simple movements such as squats and twists and powerful breathing, and DJ Satoshi Miya's mixed music!!Breathe, move, sweat and be HAPPY!!Suitable for all levels.
yoga party

Grounding Flow
Grounding Flow (Free Class)
Centered on heart-opening postures, Emiko Kuzumi’s Open Heart Yoga not only teaches you how to expand your chest, it is also a fun practice where you move freely.
Open Heart Yoga(Free Class)
Centered on heart-opening postures, Emiko Kuzumi’s Open Heart Yoga not only teaches you how to expand your chest, it is also a fun practice where you move freely

Heart Open Yoga

Grounding Flow
Know what you want Workshop
-Kundalni Awakening yoga + Vision and Goal session
Co-taught by Aya Fukubayashi,Wakana Arase of lululemon and Maiko Kurata, this class invites you to move your body, heighten your senses and deepen your awareness of yourself. Gain clarity on your life and goals, and make every day more interesting and fulfilling. Free class.