INSTRUCTORS • インストラクター

Chuck Miller / チャック ミラー
Chuck Miller began practicing yoga in 1971 and studied the Ashtanga vinyasa method with its founder, Sri K. Pattabhi Jois, for over 18 years. By practicing and teaching the method before, during and after the yoga boom, he has developed a simple, effective approach that changes the lives of those who do it. Chuck enjoys teaching with a focus on the holistic nature of Ashtanga yoga, presenting it as a philosophical system as well as a strong practical method. Chuck is known for his gentle but deliberate hands-on adjustments which are both reassuring and challenging. Yoga teacher since 1988, Chuck co-owned the original Yoga Works in Santa Monica, California for over 16 years. He is frequently traveling and teaching around the world

Michael Glenn / マイケル グレン
Founder of Yoga Tree in Tokyo, Michael has practiced yoga since the 1980’s and taught classes for over 20 years. Known for combining intense focus and effort with a sense of humor and insights into the way yoga philosophy and traditions can serve to spread well-being and happiness in modern life, he teaches various Hatha Yoga practices ranging from pranayama and meditation to handstands.
東京にあるインターナショナルヨガスタジオ「Yoga Tree」の創設者であるマイケルは、1980年代からヨガを練習し、20年以上クラスを教えています。ヨガの伝統と哲学が現代社会に健康と幸せを広げていく方法として、ユーモアを交えながら、深い集中と努力を導く指導をし、呼吸法や瞑想からハンドスタンドまで、幅広く様々なハタヨガを教えています。

Sebastian Bruno / セバスチャン
Sebastian is the co-founder of ThaiVedic, an International School of Holistic Healing, that draws wisdom from the traditions of Ayurveda, Traditional Thai Medicine, and Yoga Therapy. For over 20 years, he has been immersed in the study of Traditional Thai Massage and Thai Medicine, which is rooted in the Five Element Theory and Buddhist principles of mindfulness, kindness, and compassion. Based in Asia, Sebastian travels around the world sharing his practice through sessions, classes, and workshops.
タイヴェディックの共同創設者の一人。タイヴェディックは世界的なホリスティックヒーリングの流派であり、アーユルヴェーダ理論、タイ伝統医学、ヨガセラピーからその智慧を引き継いでいます。20年以上にわたり、五行説と仏教のマインドフルネス、優しさ、慈悲の原則に根ざしたタイ古式マッサージとタイ医学の研究に没頭しています。アジアを拠点に、世界各地でセッション、クラス、 ワークショップを通じて彼のプラクティスを広めています。

Dominica Serigano /ドミニカ 芹ヶ野
Dominica teaches alignment-based Hatha yoga lessons including asana, breath work and yoga philosophy. Her classes and workshops are flavored with passion and humor while providing personal attention and expert insight.

Maiko Kurata / 倉田 麻衣子
Director of BRIGHTON Studio DAIKANYAMA / YOGA FOR EVERY BODY,lululemon Legacy Ambassador,ERYT-500
Maiko has been studying and teaching Hatha, Yin,and Kundalini Yoga in Vancouver and she currently teach classes and be involved the teacher trainings in Japan.
Maiko is inspired by how yoga brings happiness into her student’s lives and gives them a sense of freedom to create a life they love.
BRIGHTON Studio DAIKANYAMA /YOGA FOR EVERY BODY ディレクター、 lululemonレガシーアンバサダー、ERYT500
カナダでのインストラクター経験を経て、現在はHatha、Kundalini Awakening yogaを中心に指導、インストラクター養成にも多く携わる。DJ Satoshi Miya共に“ヨガと音楽”のコラボクラスを軸にヨガイベント、音楽フェスなどにも多数参加。プロジェクト"YOGA FOR EVERY BODY”を通じて『誰もが楽しめるYOGA』をシェアしている。

Yuko Sugeta / 菅田裕子
Acupuncturist, healer and former motorcycle test-rider, Yuko is the founder and owner of the Theracua Clinic in Tokyo. In addition to her everyday work as a therapist and healer, she lectures on Eastern Medicine and teaches therapeutics courses and holistic anatomy in yoga teachertraining programs.
鍼伮師でありヒーラーでもある菅田裕子は、東京のTheracua Clinicの創設者です。彼女は東洋医学 について講義や、ヨガ指導者養成プログラムでセラピューティックスと解剖学を教えています。

Yukino Tojo / トウジョウ ユキノ
Yukino Tojo began practicing yoga to improve her surfing. Her interest in yoga grew and in 2008 she became a certified instructor. After completing over 700 hours of teacher training in Tokyo, she began teaching classes in Shimoda. In addition to her Hatha Flow yoga classes, she also teaches Ayurveda.

Emiko Kuzumi / 久住 恵実子
Born in Shizuoka City, Emiko studied yoga in New York and currently teaches yoga classes in Shizuoka Prefecture. Committed to communicating yoga with both her mind and body, she teaches various types of classes, including Power Flow Yoga, Open Heart Yoga and others.

Aya Fukubayashi / 福林 綾
lululemon Japan Regional Manager. Experienced in facilitating trainings and provides coaching sessions.
Her Core Values are Development, Compassion and Diversity.
ルルレモン のリージョナルマネージャー。社員むけの研修のファシリテートや、コーチングなども行っています。

Wakana Arase / 荒瀬 若菜
lululemon Roppongi Hills store leader. Yoga instructor.
Her Core Values are Adventure, Balance and Peace.
大切にしているvalue(価値観) は、Adventure(冒険心)、Balance(調和)、Peace(平和)。
Satoshi Miya / 宮 聡
Pursuing his passion for both yoga and music, DJ SATOSHI MIYA has been a pioneer in bringing turntables to yoga classes for live sessions in in Japan. In 2021, “WITH YOUR PRACTICE,” his mix CD series based on yoga themes, reached No. 1 on the DISC UNION Shibuya - Club/Techno - weekly chart. Producer of YOGA FOR EVERY BODY and owner of Brighton Studio Daikanyama, Satoshi performs throughout Japan and abroad.
DJとして活動。"ヨガと音楽" をテーマに情熱を注ぎ探求中。ヨガクラスにターンテーブルを持ち込みライブでセッションするスタイルは国内ではパイオニアとしてその存在感を示し、全国各地また海外への招致も受けている。
2021年 ヨガプラクティスをテーマに製作したMIX CDシリーズ "WITH YOUR PRACTICE" は、DISC UNION shibuya -club/techno- ウィークリーチャートで1位を獲得。
"ブライトン スタジオ 代官山"オーナー。